Supporting all businesses to access workplace psychology expertise; Ensuring internal policies and procedures are designed to achieve desired results

We offer individualised support to a range of professionals including HR teams, line managers, executive teams, recruiters and more.
Examples of ways we provide consulting and advisory support to clients include:
Working with HR teams and recruiters to conduct psychological assessments as part of their recruitment process
Administering psychological assessments on behalf of other coaches (this includes an accredited assessment user debriefing and supporting their coaching client directly on the results)
Supporting managers to design their succession management plans incorporating the use of assessments, competency frameworks and generating development plans
Designing leadership development programs
Conducting climate and culture surveys to support businesses with developing their strategies to improve culture and engagement
Using assessments to build team cohesion and team effectiveness
Supporting internal staff with return to work planning for an injured employee who could have changes in personality or cognitive capacity
Identifying and reducing psychosocial risk hazards in an organisation
Reviewing and redesigning stages of the recruitment process
Designing or reviewing an organisation’s mental health strategy
Reviewing internal leadership development programs
For more information please email us on info@kylieyoungconsulting.com.au or complete the form under the Contacts page.